28 Januari 2009

I'd Rather Do It With Madonna

Dapat ide ini dari Ron²

Here are the rules:
- Choose a singer/band/group
- Answer using ONLY titles of songs by that singer/band/group

Gw pilih Madonna aja!

Tapi bedanya, gw make cara yg kaya kemaren gw bikin ini. alias gw klik lagu yg selanjutnya ada yg gw denger. tapi lagunya madonna semua. hehehe..

1. Are you male or female?
I love New York *apa hubungannya?*

2. Describe yourself.
Forbidden love *what??*

3. What do people feel when they're around you?
Jump (hatinya pada loncat2 kali maksdnya… ciyeee..)

4. How would you describe your previous relationship?
La isla bonita (??)

5. Describe your current relationship.
Don’t Tell Me (iya, don’t tell me lah.. nyakitin aja)

6. Where would you want to be now?
Angel (waaaahhh… hahahaha..)

7. How do you feel about love?
Music (mungkin maksdnya rame kali. Ada banyak rasanya)

8. What's your life like?
I Rather be Your Lover (tau deh korelasinya gimana)

9. What would you ask for if you had only one wish?
Sanctuary (pengen punya tempat berlindung buat gw… pas)

10. Say something wise.
You Must Love Me (waaaa…. Ini mah kyanya pas bener)

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